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About Brent Green

  • About Brent Green
    This blog is about Baby Boomers and our impact on business, society, and culture, today and in the future. Here I explore many themes relevant to those of us on a thoughtful journey to reinvent the future of aging. I am a consultant and author of six books, including "Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers: Perceptions, Principles, Practices, Predictions." I present workshops and give keynote speeches about the intersection of the Boomer generation, business, aging, and societal transformations. My company, Brent Green & Associates, Inc., is an internationally award-winning firm specializing in building brands and forming successful commercial relationships with Boomers through the unique power of generational marketing. Marketing to Boomers I welcome your comments and questions here. This blog is a continuing conversation that began in June 2005, and I'll appreciate hearing from you.

Building Boomer Business

  • Media relations, media interviewing, public speaking, and leadership training for senior executives provided by veterans in PR and news reporting

  • Discover the future with Brent Green's new book, "Generation Reinvention: How Boomers Today Are Changing Business, Marketing, Aging and The Future."

  • Internationally award-winning direct response marketing for Boomer-focused companies

  • Brent Green & Associates is a leading marketing company with specialized expertise in selling products and services to the Boomer male market, comprised of over 35 million U.S. adults. Click here to visit our website.

Well Read Boomer

Business Experts

  • Lee Eisenberg
    Lee Eisenberg is the author of "The Number," a title metaphorically representing the amount of resources people will need to enjoy the active life they desire, especially post-career. Backed by visionary advice from the former Editor-in-Chief of "Esquire Magazine," Eisenberg urges people to assume control and responsibility for their standard of living. This is an important resource for companies and advisors helping Boomers prepare for their post-career lives.
  • Kim Walker
    Kim Walker is a respected veteran of the communications industry in Asia Pacific, with 30 years of business and marketing leadership experience in Australia, Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York. His newest venture is SILVER, the only marketing and business consultancy focused on the 50+ market in Asia Pacific. He has been a business trends and market identifier who had launched three pioneer-status businesses to exploit opportunities unveiled by his observations.
  • Hiroyuki Murata
    Hiroyuki Murata (Hiro) is a well-known expert on the 50+ market and an opinion leader on aging issues in Japan and internationally. Among his noteworthy accomplishments, Murata introduced Curves, the world’s largest fitness chain for women, to Japan and helped make it a successful business. He is also responsible for bringing the first college-linked retirement community to Japan, which opened in Kobe in August 2008. Hiro is the author of several books, including "The Business of Aging: 10 Successful Strategies for a Diverse Market" and "Seven Paradigm Shifts in Thinking about the Business of Aging." They have been described as “must read books” by more than 30 leading publications including Nikkei, Nikkei Business, Yomiuri, and Japan Industry News. His most recent book, "Retirement Moratorium: What Will the Not-Retired Boomers Change?" was published in August 2007 by Nikkei Publishing. Hiro serves as President of The Social Development Research Center, Tokyo, a think-tank overseen by METI (Ministry of Economy, Technology, and Industry) as well as Board members and Advisors to various Japanese private companies. He also serves as a Visiting Professor of Kansai University and as a member of Advisory Boards of The World Demographic Association (Switzerland) and ThirdAge, Inc. (U.S.).

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    « A Hosting Odyssey on the WeEarth Global Radio Network: Boomer Future, Aging, Business, Marketing, Advertising, and Public Policy Thought Leaders | Main | LOHAS, Baby Boomer Men, and the Future of Healthy Aging »

    January 30, 2013


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    Brent Green

    You've made some good points that I neglected to think about, Chuck. The ad also depicts sloppy diners, parking lot loitering, police drive-by vigilance -- making Taco Bell appear not to be a nice place to dine late at night. That ought to bother the corporate brand managers more than the ageist imagery.

    Chuck Nyren

    Good points. Nods to all the intelligent comments.

    This is a third tier Superbowl spot, silly and stupid. Nothing wrong with silly and stupid, but nowadays they are the rule, not the exception. Silly and stupid used to work when unexpected and jarring. Now everybody waits to see if the next spot is sillier and stupider than the preceding one.

    The spots that stand out today are witty and serious – or at least with serious subtext, such as the Chrysler/Detroit spots over the last few years. Witty might be the Volkswagen/Darth Vader spot – although my take was that it wasn’t completely convincing. A seven-year old nowadays would probably have to teach his/her parents about computer-enhanced keys – and certainly whatever other high-tech doodads are integral parts of the dashboard. It’s reverse-ageism. For better or worse, kids aren’t stupid and amazed by much anymore.

    Taco Bell. Forget the older folks acting silly and stupid, and look at it this way:

    Taco Bell is a chain of inexpensive drive-thru and sit-down restaurants. Its four selling points beyond the price: Fast, reliable, family-friendly, clean. Fifty years ago few people thought a Mexican restaurant chain could be positioned as clean, reliable, or with any sort of publicly perceived quality control – outside of Southern California. They were wrong.

    The takeaway from this spot: The customers who frequent Taco Bell are filthy degenerates who eat, slobber and spill food and wrappers all over the parking lot, and wouldn’t think twice about leaning on or spilling food on your car. It’s a dingy, dirty hangout. Police keep a watchful eye on the place.

    The biggest advertising sin: This spot will not sell even one taco.


    Enjoyed this article and agree with it 99%! It reminded me almost exactly of a TV ad that Coke did a few years ago - guy in a retirement home tries Coke (the drink!) for the first time, then breaks out and engages in a series of behaviours involving tatoos, sex and so on. But then, we all know that plagiarism amd ageism are not exactly new to the advertising world!
    The 1% of disagreement is this. Perhaps the ad is inviting us to question stereotypes of older people (and by association perhaps steretypes of fast food).
    We don't have Taco Bell over here in the UK, but (amusing if irrelevant aside) some 25+ years ago, my then agency worked on launching TB into the UK (it didn't work, as we are fitted with taste buds over here). The first outlet was in central London, on Leicester Square. And because it was designed from the US, without knowing the location, it faced onto an alleyway, with a brick wall facing Leicester Square - one of London's busiest pedestrian areas! Bit of a missed opportunity!Perhaps their view of older people is based upon similar levels of research!!

    Brent Green

    Let's think about this for a second. Taco Bell depicts seniors as outrageous and narcissistic. And we should feel uplifted by this marketer's generosity for even including them in their ads? At least Taco Bell did not show seniors in rocking chairs and looking clueless. What a gift!

    This, to me, is one measure of desperation that many feel to see older adults included in mainstream society and represented with positive metaphors and images.

    I'm not grateful. Taco Bell's depiction is not good enough.

    McDonald's did a better job portraying older adults engaged in mainstream society over 30 years ago.

    Anne-Marie Kovacs

    I agree and disagree. When I first saw this commercial yesterday, I thought it was "refreshing" in a way. Definitely meant as a parody, these seniors are not confined to their usual expected behavior of sitting in the rocking chair, on the balcony, staring into nothingness. I don't think that this is any worse than the legendary "Where's the Beef" campaign or Betty White's "Off Their Rockers" show from which this campaign was undoubtedly inspired (see the other ad in the series:, I expect this one should have you even more outraged).

    I agree that our culture's ageism relegates anyone over 60 to the dustbin. I am angry at that. But I am also disturbed that 95% of all cleaning product ads feature housewives only. And I'm upset that 90% of men represented in ads or sitcoms appear to be bumbling incompetents. And I'm saddened that minorities are underrepresented in every media.

    But at least, these seniors were mobile. Or should I say, rockin'!

    G. Richard 'Dick' Ambrosius

    Well put my friend! You set the context and clearly nailed these clowns that simply do not get it. Maybe Taco Bell is writing off everyone over age 60 as not worthy of doing business with anymore. Ageism is alive and well. I hope the message that comes through is that eating Taco Bell causes narcissism and psychotic behavior and should therefore be avoided.

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    Boomer Resources

    • Senior Forums
      Senior Forums is a very active online community where the issues that interest Boomers are discussed, dissected, derided, defended, or downright denied in an aura of friendly chatter and banter among like-minded people. Bring your sense of humor and join a laid-back, international forum of straight talkers who generously offer common sense to support those who need it and laugh with those who embrace the funny sides of aging.
    • Fierce with Age
      Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., invites readers and followers of her blog to join her for what promises to be an exciting, challenging and rewarding next stage, similar in transformation to earlier chapters of life that the Boomer generation traversed and reinvented over the decades. A respected Boomer business authority and author of 19 books focused on spirituality, Carol trusts that through prayer, meditation, personal and spiritual growth, Boomers have the potential to fundamentally change their lives for the good, experiencing the aging process as “a potent mix of spiritual growth and personal empowerment.”
    • 50plusboomerlife — Boomer life - travel - fashion - facts and more!
      This charming blog is written with purpose and passion by Kristine Drake, a native of Norway. I met Kristine at a magazine launch event in Stockholm, and we've remained in touch. Please keep in mind that this articulate and insightful blog is being written by someone who uses English as her second language. You'd never know it unless I told you so. Norway is a magical country, so Kristine's European perspective about life after 50 enriches us all.
    • Fifty Is The New Forty
      Since 2007, has been a dynamic, trendy go-to destination for savvy and successful 50-something women. Interviews with prominent Boomers, articles, guest blogs and reviews. Fun, funny, informative, and relevant.
    • Mark Miller's "Hard Times Retirement"
      Mark Miller, author of "The Hard Times Guide to Retirement Security," is a journalist, author and editor who writes about trends in retirement and aging. He has a special focus on how the Boomer generation is revising its approach to careers, money and lifestyles after age 50. Mark edits and publishes, featured as one of the best retirement planning sites on the web in the May 2010 issue of "Money" Magazine. He also writes Retire Smart, a syndicated weekly newspaper column and also contributes weekly to
    • David Cravit's blog
      David Cravit is a Vice President at ZoomerMedia Ltd. and has over 30 years’ experience in advertising, marketing and consulting in both Canada and the US. His book "The New Old" (October, 2008, ECW Press and recommended here) details how the Baby Boomers are completely reinventing the process of aging – and the implications for companies, government, and society as a whole.
    • Silver - Boomer Marketing in Asia Pacific
      The only strategic business and marketing consultancy focused on 50+ in Asia Pacific, SILVER is helping companies leverage the opportunities presented by the rapidly rising population of ageing consumers throughout Asia Pacific. Founder and CEO Kim Walker is a respected veteran of the communications industry in APAC, with 30 years of business and marketing leadership experience in Australia, Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York. Silver can INFORM with unique research, data and insight reports into the senior market. ADVISE to help companies increase understanding through audit of their ageing-readiness, strategic workshops, training and executive briefings. CONNECT business to the senior market through refined brand positioning plus relevant and targeted communications strategies.
    • is the online destination for women 50+, a peer-to-peer information exchange and a place to join in smart conversation with one another. “Inside the Nation” is Vibrant Nation Senior Strategist Carol Orsborn's on-site blog on marketing to the upscale 50+ woman. Carol, co-author of “Boom,” as well as 15 books for and about Boomers, shares her informed opinions from the heart of the demographic.
    • Entitled to Know
      Boomers better get ready for a deluge of propaganda about why Social Security and Medicare should not be secure and why these programs must be diminished and privatized. This award-winning blog, sponsored by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, provides an in-depth resource of breaking news and cogent analysis. You've been paying for these programs since inception of your career; now it's time to learn how as individuals and collectively we can preserve them for all generations.
    • Time Goes By
      This is the definitive blog to understand what is happening to a generation as it ages. Intelligent. Passionate. Humanistic.
    • Route 50Plus
      Produced by the Dutch organization Route 50Plus, this website brings news, knowledge, and information about the fifty-plus population. The Content and links can be found from more than 4000 national and international sources. Topics include fifty-plus marketing, media, new products, services, and trends. Partners of Route 50Plus include Plus Magazine, 50 Plus Beurs, SeniorWeb, Nederland Bureau door Tourisme & Congressen, Omroep MAX, De Telegraaf, MediaPlus, and Booming Experience.
    • Dr. Bill Thomas
      Under the leadership of Dr. Bill Thomas, seeks to elevate elders and elderhood in our society by taking-to-task the media, government and other interest groups who perpetuate a declinist view of aging.
    • Serene Ambition
      Serene Ambition is about what Boomers can do, and more importantly, who Boomers can be as they grow older. Blogger Jim Selman is committed to creating a new interpretation or paradigm for the second half of life
    • The Boomer Chronicles
      The Boomer Chronicles, an irreverent blog for baby boomers and others, is updated every Monday through Friday, usually several times daily. Host Rhea is a Boston-based journalist and a Gemini who grew up in a small town in New Jersey. She has written for People magazine and The Boston Globe. She was also managing editor of Harvard University’s newspaper, The Gazette. She wrote the “Jamaica Plain (Boston)” chapter of the book WalkBoston (2003; Appalachian Mountain Club) and started a popular series of Jamaica Plain walking tours in 1996.
    • LifeTwo
      LifeTwo is a community-driven life planning and support site for adults who have recognized the speed at which days are passing by. This often begins to happen in-between the mid-30s and the mid-50s. Sometimes this recognition is triggered by a divorce, career change, personal loss or some other significant event and sometimes it is just the calendar hitting 35 or 40. The hosts' goal is to take what otherwise might become a midlife "crisis" and turn it into a positive midlife transition.
    • BoomerCafé.com
      BoomerCafé is the only ezine that focuses on the active, youthful lifestyles that boomers pursue. Instead of a brand new edition every week or every month, BoomerCafé is changing all the time, which means there’s often something new to read each time you go online at
    • Jean-Paul Tréguer
      Jean-Paul Tréguer is the author of "50+ Marketing" and founder of Senioragency International, the first and only international marketing and advertising network dedicated to Boomers 50+ and senior consumers.
    • Dick Stroud
      Generational and 50+ marketing is taking off in Europe, with no small thanks to the author of newly published "The 50+ Market."
    • David Wolfe
      Respected widely for his thought-leading book, "Ageless Marketing," the late David Wolfe established an international reputation for his insights, intellect and original thoughts about the future of aging. This blog carries on ageless marketing traditions in honor of David.
    • Matt Thornhill
      Boomer pundit Matt Thornhill has taken new ground with his path-breaking Boomer research. When you need fresh Boomer insights, contact Matt for original research, both online and focus group.
    • Chuck Nyren
      Chuck Nyren, author of "Advertising to Baby Boomers," is a seasoned creative director and copywriter with talent to match. Ad agencies absolutely need his counsel about any of their clients planning to target Boomers.

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